10 November 2020

11:00 am / 1:00 pm

Alcohol Awareness

This two-part training course is suitable for anyone wishing to learn more about alcohol, alcohol abuse and alcohol dependency.  In terms of the known damage caused to physical and mental health, family life, relationships and to society in general (violence, crime, impact on employment), alcohol is the most damaging substance of abuse known.  The course will include; the impact of excessive drinking on physical and psychological health; defining an alcohol problem, safe and unsafe alcohol consumption, how excessive drinking rewires the brain and leads to further abuse and addiction; and the support required to help in the recovery of alcohol abuse and dependency.

This session will last approximately 120 mins and is delivered online via Zoom

Event Details

Event date: Tues, 10th Nov 2020 – 11:00 am
Event End Date: Tues, 10th Nov 2020 – 1:00 pm
Capacity 12
Cut off date Tues, 10th Nov 2020
Voluntary Organisations Price £00.00
Other Attendees Price £00.00
Trainer David Coombes
Course Level Introductory
Location Birmingham Settlement

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