4 December 2020

11:00 am / 1:00 pm

Homelessness Awareness

One need only visit a city or town centre to see the sad reality that homelessness is a very real issue for growing numbers of people.  This training course is suitable for anyone who wishes to better understand the complex issues around homelessness and the services and support required to help those unfortunate enough to be experiencing it.  The training content will include; exploring the many causes of homelessness and the often complex support needs of the homeless; the impact of homelessness on physical and psychological well-being; statutory and non-statutory support services and their roles in tackling homelessness; and how you might help and support those working with the homeless.

This session will last approximately 120 mins and is delivered online via Zoom.

Event Details

Event date: Fri, 4th Dec 2020 – 11:00 am
Event End Date:T Fri, 4th Dec 2020 – 1:00 pm
Capacity 16
Cut off date Fri, 4th Dec 2020
Voluntary Organisations Price £00.00
Other Attendees Price £00.00
Trainer David Coombes
Course Level Introductory
Location Birmingham Settlement

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