Half day / 3.5 hours

Current health statistics suggest both anxiety and stress related illnesses are very real problems for significant numbers of the population. In recent years there has been a growing awareness of the beneficial effects of simple techniques such as Mindfulness in helping to reduce the experience of stress and anxiety and enhancing overall wellbeing.

Mindfulness might be described as learning to be more present in our lives. More present in the ‘here and now’. Much of the time, our minds are filled with all the pressing things we have to do; dwelling on things from the past, or worrying about things yet to come. How much of our day are we truly present in the moment?

This half day training course (3.5 hours) will introduce you to the topic of mindfulness with the opportunity to practice some short mindfulness techniques.

The course will include: what mindfulness is; how our minds have a tendency to ‘wander’ with potentially harmful consequences, the neuroscience of ‘positive’ and ‘negative thinking’, how the breath can be used to manage anxiety and stress and an opportunity to practice two short mindfulness techniques.

David Coombes


David has over 25 years experience in the health sector including working as a Holistic Therapist and 10 years as a Registered General Nurse. With his extensive experience in issues relating to homelessness, substance abuse, safeguarding, and supporting people in the community with mental health, David leads and develops our Health & Wellbeing training programme.