Ladywood Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) is delighted to offer the following free training sessions to be delivered at Birmingham Settlement’s Nature & Wellbeing Centre by Edgbaston Reservoir in June 2024. The aim of these sessions is to support assets – that is staff, volunteers, beneficiaries, or individuals working or based in the community who may be affected by the topics covered, personally or through their work or volunteering.

For more information or to register contact David Coombes via email at:  or Mobile at 07399 560 766. 

Tuesday 4th June 2024

Mental Health Awareness (9.30am – 12.45pm)

Defining mental illness, signs & symptoms, responding to mental health crisis, supporting mental wellbeing & recovery.

Maintaining Personal Wellbeing (1.30 – 3.30pm)

What is stress, techniques for combating stress, negativity bias, link between nature and wellbeing.

Tuesday 18th June 2024

Drug Awareness (9.30am-12.45pm)

Why people use drugs, effects & risk of drug use, supporting those with drug problems.

Mindfulness (1.30 – 3.30pm)

What is mindfulness, ‘taming a troubled mind’, how breath can be used to manage anxiety & stress.


Birmingham Settlement Nature & Wellbeing Centre, Edgbaston Reservoir, 79 Selwyn Road, Birmingham, B16 0SL.