It’s been a busy summer period for the Ageing Well group at Birmingham Settlement, with many trips, events and visits to different places in Birmingham and beyond.
We kicked the summer off with a brilliant performance of ‘Captain Corelli’s Mandolin’ at the REP theatre, with pre-show and post-show workshops hosted at the Settlement. 18 members of the Ageing Well programme attended the performance, generating great feedback and excitement for another REP show this month!
In June, the group visited our Community Hub in Kitts Green for a 1940’s coffee morning. The event included authentic memorabilia, singalongs, quizzes with tea, coffee and scones. It was great for Ageing Well members in Aston to meet some of their contemporaries in Kitts Green.
Next, a team of Ageing Well members visited a local allotment in Aston. It was a great opportunity to get the gloves on and enjoy a day out in the sunshine helping wherever needed. Another local visit took place to Aston parish church, with an entertaining private tour and history of the building, further increasing the group’s knowledge of the local area.
The Ageing Well group also travelled to the Midlands Arts Centre for a morning of Tai Chi and Origami at Cannon Hill Park. This was extremely well attended especially by the regular Tai Chi participants. Subsequently, the REP were back at the Settlement for an ‘Introduction to Theatre Skills and Making’ programme, introducing groups and communities in Birmingham to the ramifications of theatre administration.
To conclude the summer, the majority of the Ageing Well members attended the annual Settlement trip, this year to Llandudno in Wales. It was a brilliant day out at the beach. In the same week, the yearly Tea and Dance party was back, with Ageing Well members putting on their best attire and taking to the dance floor for a range of different dances!
With a great summer behind us, we look forward to see what Autumn has in store for Ageing Well!