It’s not often that we blow our own trumpet, but this year our Money Advice team have achieved some outstanding results from both the Advice Quality Standard audit and from the Peer Review Assessment.  We get some amazing outcomes for clients which are often only recognised by the individuals we work with, but we have now had external acknowledgement of the high standard of work we produce for our clients from Recognising Excellence.

Feedback included such comments as: ‘Birmingham Settlement has exceeded the requirements of the AQSv2 to a significant extent’ and from the Peer Review Assessor ‘The Organisation shows admirable ability in handling clients with poor or limited English skills.’

We are contracted by The Money Advice Service to deliver money advice in the West Midlands.  Following a recent, independent assessment, we are not required to be audited again for another 3 years, which puts us among the top 20% of organisations across the country to have achieved this status.

Our Money Advice Team has a high and ever increasing demand on its services, so we are proud to be able to meet this demand, whilst maintaining a high quality service for our clients. If you would like to find out more about our Money Advice service or you need support with your finances, please visit our website at or give us a call on 0121 250 0777.