Want to learn how to knit and meet new people? Come and join us at Knit and Natter every Wednesday 10am – 11.30am at Birmingham Settlement’s shop on Lea Village.
Knit and Natter is for beginners and experienced knitters. If you can show someone how to knit or crochet, then please do come along and help more people learn this wonderful craft. Or if you fancy learning, then this is the place for you.
Materials are provided but if you have any wool or knitting needles that you could donate, please do bring them along.
The sessions are completely free and free tea and coffee is provided.
Any age, any ability, come along – we’d love to see you there!
These sessions are provided as part of our Big Lottery Fund project.
To find out more please pop along to our shop on Kitts Green Road or call us on 0121 603 8924 or to download the flyer click here.