event-management-workshops-281016Are you interested in getting involved in your local community and designing, developing and delivering local events? Why not join us for our FREE 8 week introduction to Event Management Course?

Workshops will start in January and will run from 1pm to 3pm at Birmingham Settlement’s shop on Kitts Green Road. Each participant will receive one to one support, a personal development plan and the opportunity to design, develop and deliver a community event to put their learning into practise.

The workshops cover aspects such as Health and Safety, Budgeting, Marketing and Publicity but most importantly, will enable you to get involved in your community and really make a difference whilst also providing you with new skills and work experience to enhance your CV.

These workshops are delivered by Birmingham Settlement and funded by the Big Lottery Fund.

If you are interested in attending the workshops, please pop in to the shop or give us a call on 0121 603 8924.

Please note the start date of these sessions has been changed from the date listed on the flyer to January 2017.